mardi 22 décembre 2020

Bonnes Fêtes de Fin d'Année

À toutes, de bonnes Fêtes de fin d'Année !
Elles seront peut-être moins animées
Mais j'espère avec une bonne santé
De quoi boire et manger
De l'espoir et de la gaieté

J'ai une tendre pensée
Pour ceux qui cette année
On perdu un être cher et aimé.
Ils sont des milliers
À avoir succombés
Et laissés derrière eux, des familles éplorées.

Que 2021 soit un tournant
Penser à ce qui est important
Profiter de chaque instant
Et vivre au présent.

To all of you, Happy Holidays !
They probably are less festive
But, I hope, with good health
Drinks and sweets
Hope and gaiety.

I have a tender thought
For those who parted with a beloved one
They were thousands
Who lost their lives
And left behind mourning families.

May 2021 be a turning point
Thinking of what is important
Enjoying every moment
And living in the present.

A todas, umas Boas Festas !
Serão talvez menos animadas
Mas, espero, com  saúde
Bebidas e iguarias 
Esperança e alegrias.

Tenho um pensamento especial
Para aqueles que, este ano,
Perderam um ente querido.
Foram demasiados a perecer
Deixando para tràs, famílias inconsoláveis.

Que 2021 seja um ponto de viragem
Pensar no que é importante
Aproveitando cada momento
Vivendo o presente.

16 commentaires:

  1. Tengo ganas de que pasen estas fechas rápidas, este año ha sido muy duro he tenido dos perdidas muy importantes...
    Pero la vida sigue....para los que nos quedamos.
    Mucho animos.

  2. Passando, vendo, elogiando, e deixando votos de um FELIZ e SANTO NATAL, extensivo à sua família e amigos/as.

  3. Thank you very much for your beautiful wishes !
    Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you too !

  4. Feliz Natal amiga com muita paz e esperança de dias melhores para a humanidade!

  5. If we have learnt anything in this terrible year, it is to cherish our loved ones and make the most of all those little everyday things that bless our days. Christmas this year will be so sad for many who have a loved who is not here anymore. May you have a peaceful and blessed Christmas, Anna, as you celebrate with your loved ones.

  6. Dear Anna!
    May this Christmas bring smiles at your doorstep joy in your heart
    and love and togetherness of friends and family in your home.
    Lucja - Maria

  7. Feliz Navidad Anna, que disfrutes estos días.

  8. Anna, félicitations! Joyeux Noël! Bonheur et santé de la famille.

  9. Dear Anna, I hope that it will be for 2021 a better year, for all of us.
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! ❤

  10. Such kind and thoughtful words Anna! I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas with your loved ones and have a great time. Take care! Lisa

  11. Je te souhaite une bonne année nouvelle, chère Anna, pleine de bonne santé, de joie et de bonheur pour toi et ta famille!
    Bisous et bon bout d'an!!!

  12. Dear Anna!
    Hope you have a great new year 2021. Let the celebration begin. May all your dreams come true!
    Happy New Year!
    Łucja - Maria

  13. Que 2021 lhe traga, um mar de alegrias, muita saúde e um universo de felicidades.

  14. Zdrowego, spokojnego i szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!
    Będzie lepiej!
    Pozdrawiam gorąco!


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